The Dosha cards offer insights and tips to learn and discover your Ayurvedic Dosha Constitution. It's believed In Hinduism, that each person has a unique constitution, and they generally fall under one of three main dosha types:
Vata (pronounced “vah-tah”), Pitta (pronounced “pih-tah”), Kapha (pronounced “kah-fah”)
However, a person can be a combination of all three doshas or have a certain percentage of each, two of the three could be more dominant than the third. For example, you could be 60% Vata, 30% Pitta and 10% Kapha.
Each type consists of the five elements: (ether, air, fire, water, and earth) that governs the following personal attributes.
Physical traits
Personality traits
Emotional traits
Limitations and sensitivities
Now you know what your Dosha Constitution is and which is most dominant! (It is the one with the highest number)
Discover below a little bit more of the various dosha personality types.
You can also take a different quiz on Banyanbotanicals.com and the result will indicate where your current dosha imbalance might be.
Vata: 0
Pitta: 0
Kapha: 0
A little bit about Ayurveda
Ayurveda is a natural healthcare system originating in India. A way of life that helps you heal and find a sense of balance. Its holistic core and purpose is of the Mind, Body and Spirit – the three pillars composed of all individuals in this world. For those who want a relaxed body, silent mind and greater energy, these cards are a quick grab n go on wellbeing and create a state of full health & inner peace.
Though Ayurveda translates to the "Science of life" in English, many Health Professionals question the belief of personal Dosha's due to lack of scientific proof. Ayurveda has been recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO) as a complete system of natural medicine. And, It does not take into account certain ethnic physical traits. The Information of Ayurveda and the Ayurvedic tradition of wellness and self-care is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional.
The Dosha Personalities
Vata personalities in balance are energetic, friendly, open-minded, creative, free in spirit, embrace change , adventurous. They generally learn easily, are clear and alert, do not sleep long or need much sleep.
Pitta personalities in balance are sharp, determined, competitive, ambitious and highly intelligent, with good insight and keen discrimination. They like to be in control, they are highly focused innovators with energy levels to match.
Kaphas personalities in balance are naturally calm, thoughtful, caring and loving. They have an inherent ability to enjoy life and are comfortable with a routine. Kapha types are usually patient, grounded, stable and supportive.