A little bit about me

Artist, Illustrator, Designer, 200 hour certified in Yoga

I am Kate Morgan, I am the Author & Illustrator of The You Do You Dosha Cards. I am mostly Vata and Pitta. Married with two Kids who are Pitta/Vata & Kapha/Pitta

I am Consulting Design Lead & Practitioner with experienced in Art & Creative Direction, Systematic Design, Data Vis, User-Interface/Interaction Design, Visual Brand Storytelling and Illustration. I have worked with 77 of the Best of Breed Brands over the years & have won several awards.

My Design Portfolio can be viewed at katiemorgan.com & https://www.linkedin.com/in/katiemorgan/

How to reach me

If you would like to reach out to me directly for an illustration commission, you can reach me at hellokateillustrates@gmail.com

With Gratitude 😍

My Story

In January 2020 (pre-peak covid), I set the intention to Author & Illustrate a deck of cards to share my knowledge of Ayurveda and the Three Types of Dosha's and, to combine it with my illustration skills. Yes, this took two years in the making! Working nights, early mornings, in between design freelance gigs and weekends. This is a fun way to digest and to encourage us all to take the time to go inward or Pratyahara [ pruh-tyah-hahr-uh ] – about withdrawing ourselves from any external information, so we can understand ourselves best, and to discover our true and deeper nature.

Several years ago, I had terrible ongoing back pain, likely from endless hours sitting all day as a digital designer, unable to touch my toes and sometimes, unable to get out of bed and walk, I started to practice Yoga. It turned from one day a week to a daily commitment. In the book, The Yamas & The Niyamas – This is called, “Tapas” or Self-discipline. I entered a 200 hour Yoga Teacher training program and received my 200 hour certificate in April 2019. My intention was to understand the origins of Yoga and it’s philosophy because I saw the benefits of Yoga. I never set out to become a teacher per se. About a year later, I taught private meditation to a design partner, which subsequently led to teaching private Yoga sessions on my front patio, as a side hustle (Not currently teaching at the moment because I am busy with illustration projects!)

Simultaneously, I was feeling “Uncreative, Stuck & Burned Out” I started to Draw, Paint and Illustrate & continue taking photos of things I love or all travel related Photography. I wrote down an initial goal in my journal to create some Yoga Illustrations. The Universe provided, when a friend introduced me to a Yoga Studio Owner and Teacher who needed an Illustrator to illustrate her book. That set me on the path towards creating illustrations of wellness and helping people better understand and take better care of themselves.